Prof. Michael A Cusumano

SMR Distinguished Professor of Management
Professor, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management


Gilly Parker

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Auto Industry
Software Industry and Development
Internet Applications
Management of Innovation
Entrepreneurship/New Ventures
International Motor Vehicle Program (IMVP)
Behavioral and Policy Sciences (BPS)
Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management

Recent Work

  • Video


    October 13, 2021Conference Video Duration: 45:49
    Michael Cusumano
    SMR Distinguished Professor of Management
    Deputy Dean, MIT Sloan School of Management

    Michael Cusumano-Japan-1.21.2021

    January 21, 2021Conference Video Duration: 33:11
    Michael Cusumano
    Sloan Management Review Distinguished Professor of Management
    Deputy Dean
    Professor, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management

    1.21.21-Cusumano-Japanese version

    January 21, 2021Conference Video Duration: 33:11
    Michael Cusumano
    Sloan Management Review Distinguished Professor of Management
    Deputy Dean
    Professor, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management

    2020 Innovations in Management - Michael Cusumano

    May 22, 2020Conference Video Duration: 59:34

    The Business of Platforms: Strategy in the Age of Digital Competition, Innovation, and Power

    This talk will summarize some key findings from a new book by Michael A. Cusumano, Annabelle Gawer, and David B. Yoffie. We will focus on the key features associated with digital platforms – businesses that connect two or more market sides, with supply or demand driven at least in part by network effects. Platform companies are now the most valuable companies in the world and the first trillion-dollar businesses. The talk will explain how digital platforms differ from conventional product or service businesses, and why some markets produce spectacular winner-take-all-or-most outcomes while others result in spectacular financial losses.