Prof. Connor Wilson Coley

Class of 1957 Career Development Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering

Primary DLC

Department of Chemical Engineering

MIT Room: 66-548

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Autonomous Discovery
Machine Learning
Laboratory Automation
Chemical Synthesis
Molecular Design
Drug Discovery

Recent Work

  • Video

    07.16.24-TokyoLifeScienceSymposium_ArtificialIforDesignSynthesisofSmall MoleculeConnorWColey

    July 16, 2024Conference Video Duration: 41:0
    Artificial intelligence and machine learning have become important components of the computational toolbox that can be used to advance chemical research and discovery. In this talk, I will discuss our group’s work advancing AI/ML as it applies to the broad subfields of medicinal chemistry and synthetic organic chemistry. I will describe several approaches to facilitate decision-making when planning iterative design-make-test-analyze cycles, including the use of formal optimization techniques for selecting molecules from virtual libraries or proposed by generative AI and the use of computer-aided synthesis planning algorithms to define synthetically-accessible chemical spaces. A pervasive theme of our research is the formulation of problems in molecular design and synthesis in a manner amenable to computational approaches. 

    Using Computational Tools for Molecule Discovery

    May 6, 2021MIT Faculty Feature Duration: 27:31

    Connor Coley
    Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering