Dr. Marcelo Coelho


Primary DLC

Department of Architecture

MIT Room: 7

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Human-Computer Interaction
Industrial Design
Internet of Things (IoT)
Programmable Materials
Digital Fabrication
Crowd Interactions

Recent Work

  • Video

    Marcelo Coelho - 2018 RD Conference

    November 21, 2018Conference Video Duration: 24:56

    Material Boundaries: The Future of Product Design and Manufacturing

    Digital fabrication and computational materials are enabling the design and manufacturing of objects that are mass-customizable, interconnected, and can fundamentally adapt to users’ needs and requirements. This talk will present a series of research projects and technologies that push the boundaries of how materials and computers can be intertwined to create new products and experiences — from the nanoscale to a stadium, from a single person to a crowd — and that redefine how we perceive and interact with physical world.

    2018 MIT Research and Development Conference