Prof. JoAnne Stubbe

Professor of Chemistry and Biology, Emeritus
Associate Member, Broad Institute

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Biochemistry and Biophysics
Design of Mechanism-Based Inhibitors for Studying Enzymatic Reaction Mechanisms, as Models for Genetic Diseases and as Potential Antibiotic, Antiparasitic and Anti-Tumor Agents
Mechanisms of Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions
Mechanisms of Anti-Tumor Antibiotics Degradation of DNA
Bioorganic-Bioinorganic Chemistry
Regulation of the Purine Biosynthetic Pathway
Mechanism of AdoCbl, Manganese, and Tyrosylphenoxy Radical Dependent Reductases
Mechanisms of DNA Cleavers and Bioorganic Cleavers
Polyester Biosynthesis (Biodegradable Polymers)
Organic Chemistry
Biological Chemistry

Recent Work