Prof. Cynthia Barnhart

Ford Foundation Professor of Engineering
Professor of Operations Research

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Modeling and Optimization of Transportation Systems
Large-Scale Network Optimization
Airline Crew and Aircraft Scheduling
Network Flows
Integer and Linear Programming
Transportation Logistics Systems
Engineering Systems
Global Airline Industry Program
Service Network Design and Operations Planning for Scheduled Transportation Systems
Systems and Transportation
Operations Research

Research Summary

Professor Barnhart specializes in developing models, optimization methods and decision support systems for large-scale transportation problems. In 1997, she formed the Large-Scale Optimization Group at MIT. It is comprised of graduate students and researchers developing and applying optimization models and algorithms to large-scale problems arising in transportation, telecommunications and other problem domains.

Her teaching and research are in the areas of large-scale optimization and analytics, with a focus on applications in transportation and logistics systems. She has supervised scores of graduate and undergraduate theses across a range of disciplines, and has published widely in the flagship journals of her field.

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In partnership with the executive vice president and treasurer and with the vice president for finance, the provost has responsibility for coordinating the budgeting and capital planning of the Institute, and the development of MIT’s campus, buildings, and facilities. The Provost’s Office is also responsible for MIT’s relationships with industry via the Office of Strategic Alliances and Technology Transfer, which includes the Technology Licensing Office. The Provost’s Office – in partnership with the Offices of the Chancellor and the Executive Vice President and Treasurer – also collaborates on initiatives to respond to operational and budgetary challenges and develop institutional strategic plans, including one for diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Recent Work