Prof. Ronald L Rivest

Institute Professor
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Primary DLC

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

MIT Room: 32-G692

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Computer and Network Security
Analysis of Algorithms
Machine Learning
Theory of Computation
Voting Technology

Research Summary

In 1977, with colleagues Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman, Rivest devised what quickly became known as the RSA public-key cryptosystem, which secures communications between computers using products of large prime numbers. The system has proven durable and remained unbroken. That is just one part of a distinguished career that has seen Rivest conduct research in cryptography, other aspects of computer and network security, algorithms, machine learning, and even voting technology. He has also taught well-received classes in all those fields, and co-authored a best-selling textbook, “Introduction to Algorithms,” that has been used by hundreds of thousands of students.

Recent Work