Prof. Elfatih A B Eltahir

H M King Bhumibol Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Primary DLC

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

MIT Room: 48-207

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Environmental Data Analysis
Surface Hydrology
Global Change Science
Impact of Tropical Deforestation on Climate Focusing on the Regions of the Amazon and West Africa
Development of Hydrologic Representations for Use in Climate Models
The Relation of El Nino to Flow in Tropic Rivers
Regional Studies of Drought and Floods
Climate Modeling Initiative
Water Resources Systems
Land Surface Hydrology and Hydrology-Vegetation Coupling
Environmental Systems
Earth Systems Initiative

Research Summary

Eltahir’s research focuses on understanding how regional land-use and land-cover change, as well as global climate change, may impact society through shifts in the patterns of water availability, extreme weather, and spread of vector-borne diseases. Working with his students, he develops sophisticated numerical models that are used for predicting such impacts at regional scales.

Recent Work