Prof. Lawrence Vale

Ford Professor of Urban Design and Planning
Associate Dean

Primary DLC

Department of Urban Studies and Planning

MIT Room: 10-485

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Urban Design and Development
International Relations in Respect to Environmental Design Ideas
Civil Defense Planning
Public Housing
Capital City Development
Qualitative Methods for Designers and Planners
Design Politics
City Design and Development (CDD)
Natural Disasters: Relief and Recovery

Research Summary

Professor Vale has completed another trio of books on public housing. Purging the Poorest: Public Housing and the Design Politics of Twice-Cleared Communities (University of Chicago Press, 2013) focuses on Atlanta and Chicago, comparing the slum clearance era that yielded the first public housing with the current spate of public housing demolition and redevelopment. This book has received "best book" awards from both the International Planning History Society (2014) and the Urban Affairs Association (2015). He his also co-editor, with Nicholas Bloom and Fritz Umbach, of Public Housing Myths: Perceptions, Reality and Social Policy (Cornell University Press 2015; 2016 Best Edited Book Award, International Planning History Society). His latest book, published in early 2019 by Oxford University Press, is After the Projects: Public Housing Redevelopment and the Governance of the Poorest Americans. This explores the variation of HOPE VI public housing redevelopment practices across the United States, with a focus on New Orleans, Boston, Tucson, and San Francisco. Prior to his work on public housing, Professor Vale was the author of Architecture, Power, and National Identity (1992), a book about capital city design on six continents, which received the 1994 Spiro Kostof Book Award for Architecture and Urbanism from the Society of Architectural Historians. A revised, 2nd edition of the book was published by Routledge in 2008. He is also the author of The Limits of Civil Defence (Macmillan and St. Martin’s Press, 1987), a book based on his dissertation.

Recent Work