
Conference Video|Duration: 50:52
November 9, 2021
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    Enterprises that design and develop complex systems are experiencing disruptive change as model-based engineering replaces document-centric practice. While models have always been used in engineering, we are now approaching a future where digital twins will co-exist with operational systems.  Accordingly, models become increasingly valuable and ultimately may have even greater value than physical assets. Repositories of models, simulations and data have been used for some time, and the transformation to digital engineering is impacting their scale and importance to the enterprise. This webinar discusses several years of research on model curation as a formal practice for governance of an enterprise-level model collection. The return-on-investment business case for developing and maintaining enterprise model collections is not presently well-defined. What is clear is that a model collection is only worthwhile if model consumers can see evidence of model integrity, as well as have sufficient information to judge credibility in order to trust the model. This talk shares findings from our latest studies on the precursors, barriers and enablers for trust in the model curation context, and shares a vision for model discovery in support of strategic reuse of curated model collections.  
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  • Video details
    Enterprises that design and develop complex systems are experiencing disruptive change as model-based engineering replaces document-centric practice. While models have always been used in engineering, we are now approaching a future where digital twins will co-exist with operational systems.  Accordingly, models become increasingly valuable and ultimately may have even greater value than physical assets. Repositories of models, simulations and data have been used for some time, and the transformation to digital engineering is impacting their scale and importance to the enterprise. This webinar discusses several years of research on model curation as a formal practice for governance of an enterprise-level model collection. The return-on-investment business case for developing and maintaining enterprise model collections is not presently well-defined. What is clear is that a model collection is only worthwhile if model consumers can see evidence of model integrity, as well as have sufficient information to judge credibility in order to trust the model. This talk shares findings from our latest studies on the precursors, barriers and enablers for trust in the model curation context, and shares a vision for model discovery in support of strategic reuse of curated model collections.  
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