
Conference Video|Duration: 33:23
January 27, 2023
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    Never before have the challenges for engineers been greater and more burning than in the face of climate change, from the energy transition to the sustainable construction of a  just society. Will it be possible? In this talk, I will discuss some approaches that all originate from the same idea of preparing us engineers for these challenges and opportunities. With sustainability and resilience at heart, I will advocate that engineers and industries take up the new physical realities in a data-centric way and translate them into engineering solutions; from new multi-functional building materials such as concrete that can store energy, to smartphone-enabled infrastructure sensors and molecularly inspired retrofitting of our urban neighborhoods for more resilience and social justice in the face of climate change. As research continues to advance in all of these areas, it will depend on all of us to break out of our silos (academic, disciplinary, cultural) and translate these emerging approaches into actual sustainable solutions for our societies at large.
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  • Video details
    Never before have the challenges for engineers been greater and more burning than in the face of climate change, from the energy transition to the sustainable construction of a  just society. Will it be possible? In this talk, I will discuss some approaches that all originate from the same idea of preparing us engineers for these challenges and opportunities. With sustainability and resilience at heart, I will advocate that engineers and industries take up the new physical realities in a data-centric way and translate them into engineering solutions; from new multi-functional building materials such as concrete that can store energy, to smartphone-enabled infrastructure sensors and molecularly inspired retrofitting of our urban neighborhoods for more resilience and social justice in the face of climate change. As research continues to advance in all of these areas, it will depend on all of us to break out of our silos (academic, disciplinary, cultural) and translate these emerging approaches into actual sustainable solutions for our societies at large.
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