Principal Investigator Jacob Cohen
Co-investigator Christine Ortiz
Project Website
Israel, like MIT, is a global leader and a center of innovation and entrepreneurship. Our Israel Lab student teams partner with Israeli host organizations to work on complex problems in critical areas, including high-tech, life sciences, clean technology, analytics, and many more, with an emphasis on early stage ventures and their growth.
Teams work for their host organizations on a three-month project engagement: they work remotely from MIT for two months during the fall, and full-time, on site, at their host organizations for three weeks in January (IAP). The organizations collaborate with their student teams to define the project scope, develop work plans, and determine the deliverables the teams will create. Israel Lab teams deliver significant, concrete value to their host organizations.
Equally important are the unprecedented opportunities for students to apply their leading-edge classroom learning to complex issues of innovation and entrepreneurship in real time.
srael Lab offers host companies the opportunity to work with a team of skilled, business-savvy MIT students on specific issues startups are facing, and to collaborate to find concrete, implementable solutions through research, analysis, and knowledge sharing. Your team will work remotely for seven weeks during November and December before traveling to Israel for an additional three weeks of work onsite in January. The majority of project work happens during this intensive onsite phase in January.