Zen Mycue Chu

Senior Lecturer
Chairman & Founder, MIT Hacking Medicine Institute

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Healthcare: Value-Based, Triple Aim, Future Models

Recent Work

  • Video

    Chu Feature

    March 28, 2024MIT Faculty Feature Duration: 21:1

    Zen Chu
    Senior Lecturer, Faculty Director of the MIT Hacking Medicine Initiative


    March 23, 2021Conference Video Duration: 16:47
    Zen Chu
    Co-Founder and Faculty Director, MIT Hacking Medicine
    Senior Lecturer, MIT Sloan School of Management

    Oxford 2018 - Zen Chu

    September 27, 2018Conference Video Duration: 29:47

    MIT Hacking Medicine and the Last Mile of Care Delivery

    Over the past five years, digital health innovation has consistently attracted billions of dollars in venture capital amid healthcare payment reform and care redesign. Ancient problems are being attacked in different ways and dogma overturned with real world data. However, complex healthcare bureaucracies, giant vested interests by incumbents, and slow change by healthcare professionals continue to slow the adoption of the best solutions. Examples will demonstrate how startups and entrepreneurs are attacking old problems with new business models and tech-enabled solutions that scale care while collapsing costs.

    2018 Healthcare Technologies of the Future (Oxford)