Prof. Robert C Merton

School of Management Distinguished Professor of Finance


Jonathan Cowin

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Arbitrage Pricing Theory
Asset Management and Pricing
Financial Engineering
Financial Institutions
Financial Markets; Financial Services
Functional Finance
Governmental Financial institutions
Options Pricing Valuation
Pension Funds
Portfolio Choice
Portfolio Design and Management
Portfolio Theory
Retirement Finance
Retirement Planning
Risk Management

Research Summary

Professor Merton’s current academic interests are in understanding and controlling the propagation of macro financial risk including designing financial instruments to implement automatic stabilization policies for central banks, and improving methods of measuring and managing sovereign risk.

He is also working on a next-generation retirement savings system. As the global population ages, both public- and private-sector retirement-benefit schemes are putting enormous pressure on government budgets and national economies.

Recent Work

  • Video


    July 13, 2021Conference Video Duration: 97:35
    Jonathan A. Parker
    Robert C. Merton (1970) Professor of Financial Economics
    Heidi Pickett
    Assistant Dean, MIT Sloan Master of Finance program
    Egor Matveyev
    Senior Lecturer and Research Scientist in Finance
    Executive Director, MicroMasters Program in Finance
    Robert C. Merton
    School of Management Distinguished Professor of Finance